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General Aspect

The Inter-institutional Commission on Marinas and Tourist Piers (CIMAT) was created in 1998, by Law 7744 and its Regulations. Its legal nature is that of a maximum degree independent body, affiliated to ICT, it also includes representatives from MOPT, MINAE, INVU, and HEALTH (Section 6 of the Law). It is the technical body specialized in the development of marinas and tourism piers.

As part of its attributions, it implements the necessary activities for the control, regulation, and surveillance of concessions, constructions, and operations of these kinds of projects in the country. One of its main functions is to provide technical advice regarding this topic to the Municipalities.

The Commission has a team of professionals from different fields, e.g. engineering, architecture, oceanography, biology, and law, from the Institutions that comprise it. This team evaluates the proposals, visits the sites, and recommends the approval or rejection of the proposals by CIMAT.


What is a tourist marina?

The whole of facilities, sea or land, intended for the protection, shelter and provision of all kinds of services to recreational, tourist and sporting vessels, of any flag and independent of their as well as visitors and users of them, domestic or foreign.

What are tourist berths?

Tourist berths are landings, fixed or floating docks, ramps and other necessary works in order to allow the docking of tourist, recreational and sports vessels, for the enjoyment and safety of tourists.

What is a Concession?

It is the granting, by the municipalities, of an area of public domain such as in the maritime-terrestrial area and the adjacent area permanently covered by the sea, for the construction and operation of marinas and tourist berths.