
Message from the Internal Auditor

The Internal Audit performs a very important role as an independent, objective, and consulting activity, it contributes to the accomplishment of institutional objectives through a professional and systematic approach to evaluate and improve the efficacy of the management processes, risk managements, and the control of the Institution, as established in the legal block.

Our dynamic environment establishes a proactive approach and modern management based on the use of updated knowledge, on the search for effective tools to face new challenges, and on the opportune coordination with diverse instances, such as the Active Administration, the Comptroller General of the Republic of Costa Rica, and other subjects interested in the activity and its results.

To conclude the pertinent efforts this Consulting Body finds in the existing legal block its greatest strength, basing its actions on the best principles, standards, and public management practices that guarantee compliance with the institutional objectives.

The substantive task of the Internal Audit is to evaluate public resource management to determine the rationality of the financial information, the degree of objective and target fulfillment, and to evaluate if these resources are managed with economy, efficacy, efficiency, and transparency, in compliance with the valid code of laws.

In this context, the executed tasks look to advise and warn, but also to regulate, since it is a part of the Control and Regulation System of the Public Finance. The results of this task are mainly reports and preventive services that include consultancy, warning, and authorization of books.

The Internal Audit procures a proactive approach, effective and in line with its strategic objectives through the provision of its audit and prevention services, so that its contribution in the accomplishment of these objectives produces positive changes and improvements implemented by the Active Administration, in response to the issued recommendations, consultancies, and warnings.


"We are the regulation and consultancy body that guarantees the Institution will achieve its objectives through the evaluation of management control, risks, and processes.".


"By the year 2018, at least 90% of the audited units will acknowledge that the Internal Audit adds value to the management of the Institute.".

Audit Competencies

Definition of internal audit and its competencies:

The internal audit is the independent, objective, and consulting activity that provides security to ICT, validating and improving its operations. It helps the Institution reach its objectives, evaluating and improving the efficiency in the administration of management control, risks, and processes. Furthermore, the internal audit offers the population a reasonable guarantee that the Board of Directors and the Administration act in compliance with the legal and technical framework, and the good practices.

Main competencies:

  • Perform special studies or audits in relation to the public funds.
  • Verify the compliance, validity, adequacy of the internal control system, propose corrective measures and confirm their compliance.
  • Advice the Board of Directors on matters within its jurisdiction; also, warn the Administration about the possible consequences of certain behaviors or decisions.
  • Other competencies that contemplate the legal, regulatory and technical standards.

Issued audit services

Year 2019

  • Informes
  • Servicios Preventivos
  • Year 2018

  • Informes
  • Servicios Preventivos
  • Year 2017

  • Informes
  • Servicios Preventivos
  • Year 2016

  • Informes
  • Servicios Preventivos
  • Contact Us

    Lic. Fernando Rivera Solano, Internal Auditor, is in charge of the Internal Audit. He has a team of qualified professionals you can contact on the following phones and e-mail addresses.





    Lic. Fernando Rivera Solano, MBA

    Internal Auditor


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    Mariela Ureña Romero



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    Lic. Rómel Álvarez Navarro, MBA



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    Licda. Ana Margarita Aguilar López



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    Lic. Carlos Araya Ramírez, MAFF



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    Licda. Karen Barquero Murillo



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    Licda. Karla Fonseca Solano, MBA



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    Licda. Jimena Bujan Guevara



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    Licda. Marilyn Prado Araya, MBA



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    Licda. Shirley Ramírez Chacón, MBA



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    Última Modificación: 02/07/2024.
    Instituto Costarricense de Turismo