Directorate of Tourism Consulting and Management

The objective of the Tourism Consulting and Management unit is to manage the tasks of the following departments: Tourism Management, Certifications and Social Responsibility of the Tourism Industry, Tourist Services, Regional Offices, and Investment Attraction Unit, in order to develop substantive actions to stimulate the development of the tourism industry, promote investment in the country, and improve the quality of tourism products, all this to satisfy the needs of tourists and tourism entrepreneurs for the advantage of the country.


The Management works with other units to increase tourism in the country, promoting revenue and a pleasant stay of foreign visitors looking for rest, amusement, or entertainment. It also promotes the construction and maintenance of recreational sites for tourist use, maintains and coordinates inter-institutional relations through cooperation agreements with entities like Municipalities, Ministries, and Independent Institutions to join corporate efforts that promote the construction and/or remodeling of sites for the enjoyment of national and international visitors, and it also offers spaces for tourist information.


Furthermore, it supervises the compliance of the objectives established in the National Tourism Development Plan in aspects related to the area of tourism management, where the increase of companies with Tourist Declarations is promoted, as well as improvements to the existing tourism infrastructure, and the creation of new infrastructure for the current needs of both, national and international markets.


Gustavo Alvarado Chaves

Tourism Consulting and Management

Tel. (506) 2299-5794

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nancy Durán Chavarría

Tourism Management Secretary

Tel. (506) 2299-5794

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Última Modificación: 02/07/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo