Planning Unit

This Unit is responsible for institutional planning, covering the National Planning System according to Law 5525 and the valid regulations; meaning plans, policies, programs, systems, procedures, and methods to manage the Institute, through the coordination of sectors of the National Development Plan, operations plans, risks and internal control self-evaluation coordination, administrative analysis, management evaluation, international cooperation, and special studies.

The work processes are limited to the internal tasks of the institute and the external relation in terms of international cooperation.

Objective of the Institutional Planning Unit:

Provide counseling to the Executive Presidency and technical accompaniment to the other ICT units in activities related to planning, internal control of the Institution, administrative analysis, and international cooperation, to support the accomplishment of the institutional mission, vision, and objectives, strengthening the processes for transparent management and accountability.

The work processes of the unit are:

Planning: Eight work areas and their respective procedures take place here:

  • Creation of the Annual Plan of Operations (PAO) and Budget.
  • Annual Plan of Operations Follow-up
  • Annual Plan of Operations Modifications
  • Creation of the Institutional Operational Plan (POI), Strategic Programming (PEP)
  • Institutional Operational Plan Follow-Up, Results by Program.
  • Programming strategic National Development Plan (PND) actions (MAPI)
  • Program by sectors of the PND (MAPESI) and follow-up.
  • Public Investment Projects

Administrative Analysis: Made up by two work areas:

  • Administrative Analysis, Re-organizations.
  • Administrative Analysis, Procedures Manuals Revision.

Internal Control: With three components:

  • Internal Control Self-Evaluation.
  • Technical Secretariat of the Management Team of Risk and Internal Control (EGCIR)
  • Specific System of Risk Evaluations

International Cooperation with two components, and works covered by the International Cooperation Management of MIDEPLAN, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • Cooperation that receives from other countries in matters of tourism
  • Cooperation that provides to other countries in matters of tourism

Special Reports: With just one component

Creation of special reports.

Evaluation and Publication of the PAO

Other Reports

Última Modificación: 02/07/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo