General Management

The General Management Office is responsible for the effective and accurate administrative operations at ICT, as it is the unit in charge of implementing all activities related to the organization, operation and coordination of the different ICT departments in accordance with the resolutions issued by the Board of Directors and the legislation in force.

It is in charge of establishing and communicating the policies, guidelines, systems and procedures for the proper administration of human, material and financial resources. In addition, it periodically provides information to the Board of Directors and ensures the implementation of the agreements and resolutions that it issues.

The General Management Office also advises the Board of Directors on matters of tourism planning and development, tourism management, administration, finances and other issues, proposing relevant actions as needed to meet the established institutional objectives.

It also works continuously to propose administrative, legal, formal and informal modernization measures to the Board of Directors.

This unit is also responsible for the roles and powers it has been accorded in accordance with the law, ICT regulations and other permanent provisions, as well as delegated powers from the Minister’s office. These include representing the Minister in their absence in various political or technical situations.

To comply with the request from Ana Gabriel Zúñiga Aponte, Vice-Minister for Political Affairs and Citizen Dialog of the Ministry of the Presidency, which relates to compliance with Executive Order no. 38276-RE-MIDEPLAN-MICITT, “Fostering Good Governance in Public Institutions” and Executive Decree 39753-MP. To this end, the table is attached in PDF format with the requested and updated information.

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Hotels. Hospitality establishments.
Dear hotel managers:
We are taking this opportunity to inform you of a request from the Mixed Institute of Social Assistance (IMAS) to exempt its employees from paying tax on accommodation sales, as this was set out in Law 8653 “Financial Strengthening of the IMAS”, from which we cite below:

“IMAS is exempted from the payment of the tax on immovable property, income tax, fees and tolls, as well as the selective consumption tax for all importations and local purchases of goods and services it performs while carrying out its functions”.

The above is without prejudice to the verification mechanisms required for the correct implementation of this provision.

Última Modificación: 02/07/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo