Retirement Fund for ICT Officials and Employees

The objective of the Retirement Fund for ICT (Costa Rican Tourism Board) Officials and Employees is to grant, as a supplementary pension, a unique benefit to its members in case of retirement due to permanent disability, pension, death or early retirement.

It originates under the protection of Article 44 in Organic Law N.1917 established on July 30, 1955, from which the ICT originates. It also establishes a Special Guarantee and Retirement Scheme that covers board officials and employees. The fund and its benefits have been in force since January 1, 1960.

This retirement fund is regulated by the ICT Organic Law, the Retirement Fund for ICT Officials and Employees Regulation, la Ley de Protección al Trabajador (the Worker’s Protection Law), la Superintendencia de Pensiones (the Superintendence of Pensions), el Reglamento de Regulación de los Regímenes de Pensiones (the Pension Schemes Regulation) created by Special Laws and Public Systems substituted by el Régimen de Invalidez, Vejez y Muerte (the Regime of Disability, Old Age, and Death), la Ley General de Control Interno (the General Law on Internal Policy), las Normas de Control Interno para el Sector Público (Internal Control Standards for the Public Sector), Reglamento sobre el Gobierno Corporativo (Corporate Governance Regulation), la Ley 8998 Protección de la Persona frente al tratamiento de sus datos personales (Law 8998 for Personal Information Protection).

MISSION: To be an entity aimed at economically protecting ICT officials and employees, as well as their families and beneficiaries in case of retirement due to pension, permanent disability, death or early retirement.

VISION: By 2020, the Retirement Fund for ICT Officials and Employees will become an entity which manages funds that economically protect employees of the board, and their families, after ending their service due to pension, permanent disability, death or early retirement.


Última Modificación: 27/07/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo