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Costa Rica Tourism Board

The Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT) invites you to explore this dynamic platform, in which you can learn in detail about the area of activity of Costa Rica's leading tourism institution, with up-to-date information for all of your inquiries.

While you browse the sections of this site, which has been designed for you, you will discover the reach of the Board: tourist figures, the departments and divisions that make its work possible, sustainability certifications and the services the Board provides. Information such as the requirements for the tourism declaration and the participation in international trade fairs are just some of the material of interest that you will find among this website's content.

It is a privilege for us to serve you and to work together to strengthen the tourism industry, which drives development, foreign exchange and employment in Costa Rica, and is an engine of growth in its economy. As ICT employees, we are all proud to set ourselves to this difficult task every day, in partnership with the private sector.



Tourism Statistics

Every tourism indicator for Costa Rica in one place.



Tourism Sustainability

Our mission to protect the environment has made us stand out.



and Citizen Information

Quick access list to every kind of ICT procedure and consultation.

Esencial Costa Rica

Regional Offices

Where can you find us?

Our locations and what you can do in regional offices

A partir de abril de este año, la aerolínea British Airways inaugurará el vuelo Londres-San José. Algunos podrían preguntarse por qué vale la pena hacer un viaje de 11 horas para conocer este pequeño país? El sitio enumeró una lista de 21 razones por las cuales hacerlo: 1. Tiene costa en ambos océanos. 2. Es uno de los países más felices del mundo. 3. Las aerolíneas Thomson Airways y British Airways acercan el destino a los turistas británicos. 4. No hay ejército. 5. Es la capital mundial de los colibríes. 6. 25% del país son tierras protegidas. 7. El “pura vida” es la ley del país. 8. El gallo pinto (arroz y frijoles) es el platillo nacional. 9. Existen más de 121 formaciones volcánicas de las cuales 7 están activas. 10. El colón es la moneda nacional, pero el dólar es totalmente aceptado. 11. Es el exportador número 13 de café en el mundo. 12. Las tortugas marinas aman Costa Rica. 13. El Quetzal, una de las aves más bellas del mundo, se encuentra en los bosques nubosos de Monteverde. 14. La UNESCO declaró recientemente las misteriosas piedras Diquis como sitio de patrimonio mundial. 15. El Parque Nacional Isla del Coco aparece en la secuencia de apertura de la película Parque Jurásico. 16. Las sodas son restaurantes familiares que sirven comida casera por unos pocos dólares. 17. El sapo dorado fue una vez un símbolo nacional del país. 18. La flor nacional es la orquídea, de la cual hay más de 1.400 especies. 19. El sol amanece y se acuesta casi a la misma todos los días del año. 20. Las iguanas, no son tan grandes como un lagarto, pero se pueden observar correteando por la superficie del agua. 21. El Día del Boyero es una celebración de carretas de bueyes, bellamente decoradas, que se celebra cada segundo domingo de marzo en Escazú. Si desea mayor información puede ingresar a la dirección

Tourism in Costa Rica

Viistantes por MOtivo de Viaje Placer

75% travel for vacation purposes.

75% of the people visiting Costa Rica travel for vacation, pleasure, and leisure; while only 13% do so for professional and business purposes.

Más de 2 Millones de visitas anuales

More than 2 million visits per year.

Costa Rica has a constant visit growth year after year; and, it remains as the main destination of the Region.

Satuisfacción del Turísta

68% enjoy the sun and beaches of Costa Rica.

Costa Rica offers idyllic beaches in both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, becoming a favorite destination for this activity

Notes section

  • Costa Rica wins Best Sustainable Stand at the Fitur Tourism Fair in Spain
  • Juan Santamaría International Airport launches laboratory service for rapid COVID-19 testing
  • Entry limits to national parks reduced to 50%, with the exception of Volcán Poás national park
  • Safe and responsible Tourism in Protected Wildlife Areas
  • Costa Rica Convention Center acclaimed as one of the world’s best venues at the 2021 Eventex Awards
  • Costa Rica wins Best Sustainable Stand at the Fitur Tourism Fair in Spain

    • The award criteria included reusing materials and following public health protocols to combat COVID-19.
    • The fair began on May 19 and finished on Sunday.

    Friday, May 21, 2021. Madrid, Spain. Costa Rica received the Best Sustainable Stand award at the global tourism trade fair FITUR this Friday, which recognized the reuse of materials, the use of sustainable elements, energy savings, hiring local personnel and closely following public health protocols to combat COVID-19.

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  • Juan Santamaría International Airport launches laboratory service for rapid COVID-19 testing

    • Passengers will receive results in approximately one hour, allowing them to fulfil entrance requirements in certain countries that require the test.
    • Laboratorios Echandi will be in charge of operating the service.

    Beginning on May 14, the Juan Santamaría International Airport, under the administration of AERIS Costa Rica, will offer a rapid testing laboratory to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19.

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  • Entry limits to national parks reduced to 50%, with the exception of Volcán Poás national park

    Measure announced by public health authorities to stop the spread of COVID-19.

    • Public health measures at visitor centers will remain in force.
    • Measures will apply from May 13-31, inclusive.

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  • Safe and responsible Tourism in Protected Wildlife Areas

    SINAC and ICT ask visitors to follow a series of recommendations for a safe visit.

    • Engaging in responsible and safe tourism in PWAs requires consistent action on the part of everyone involved.
    • SINAC and ICT have launched campaigns to promote respect for wildlife and visitor safety.
    • Use official websites to learn about the PWA that you will be visiting.
    • If travelling with a tour operator or guide, make sure that they have ICT certifications and/or the necessary operating permits.

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  • Costa Rica Convention Center acclaimed as one of the world’s best venues at the 2021 Eventex Awards

    • Convention Center received three major awards: gold in the “People’s Choice” category and bronze in the “Convention Center” and “Versatile Venue” categories.

    May 13, 2021. The Costa Rica Convention Center (CRCC) continues to stand out for its quality services, operations and infrastructure. It most recently received three accolades in the 11th Eventex Awards, a global awards ceremony for events and experiential marketing from around the world.

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