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Costa Rica markets itself as the perfect destination to recharge at the ITB tourism fair in Berlin


  • For the first time, the world’s largest trade fair will be held virtually on March 9-12, with over 180 countries participating in the event, called ITB Berlin Now.
  • Over 20 companies from the Costa Rican tourism sector will participate, including hotels, tour operators and travel agencies.

March 9, 2021- Aiming to position Costa Rica as the ideal destination to recharge and a natural sanctuary for reconnecting with the essential things in life, 20 Costa Rican tourism companies will participate in ITB Berlin Now 2021, held virtually for the first time in the trade fair’s history.

This year’s ITB, the German trade fair that is considered the world’s largest travel and tourism event, will have participants from over 180 countries and over 10,000 exhibitors. For its new virtual format, the trade fair will launch a new virtual platform for meetings, business and showrooms on March 9-12.

Acknowledging the global impact of the pandemic on tourism, the organizers have chosen the slogan “Your Time is Now”. As the event’s General Director, David Ruetz, said in a statement on the ITB’s official website, “this is more than the new normal. This is the chance for new impact” in the tourism industry. The event is designed to take the pulse of the industry as it looks toward the future.

“Participating in ITB Berlin Now, the first digital version of the international trade fair, is a product of the new normal,” said Ireth Rodríguez, Head of Promotion of the ICT. “Without a doubt, it is an opportunity that will allow Costa Rica to remain front of mind for potential tourists from Germany and reinforce our country’s position as the ideal destination to recharge in a natural setting, a sanctuary of wellness with sustainability as a cross-cutting theme.”

“The international trade fairs section of the ICT has moved quickly to adapt to participation in this new format of virtual trade fairs,” added Rodríguez. “In addition, this virtual negotiation platform at the world’s largest trade fair will allow 20 tourism leaders from the private sector to showcase the best of the country’s tourist offer and make closer connections with partners from Europe, one of our main tourist-sending markets from which we hope to see an upturn in the coming months.”

Global promotion showcase

“We must continue to promote tourism in the country with greater energy than before, especially when participating in the ITB, the world’s largest tourism trade fair,” said Álvaro Arguedas, Executive President of Armotours, a tour operator specialized in the German market. “This year’s event going online represents a challenge that participants from around the world need to adapt to. The presence of Costa Rican tourism companies is important to strengthen the message that Costa Rica is the ideal destination for 2021 and that we are ready with all the protocols in place to receive European clients with every security measure in a destination with flexibility and beauty.”

The Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Segura Sanco, participated in the TB Future Track roundtable today at 7:00 a.m. (CET), taking the opportunity to speak about Costa Rica’s ongoing efforts to implement health protocols and how the destination is putting the holistic and sustainable wellness concept of “Pura Vida” into practice.

According to the ITB organizers, the negotiation platform will remain open until May 31. A series of conferences are planned over the four days of the main event, which will focus on new trends and the future of the tourism industry following the onslaught of COVID-19.

This special event will be attended by 20 Costa Rican businesses, which include hospitality companies, tour operators and vehicle rental agencies, as follows: Hotel Fiesta Resort, Imágenes Tropicales, Costa Rican Trails, Horizontes Nature Tours, Hotel Capitán Suizo, Amadeus Travel Agency, Il Viaggio Travel, Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge, Travel Excellence, Swiss Travel, Armotours S.A., Go Tours, Sensoria, Costa Rica Dream Travel Corporation S.A., Destination Costa Rica, Ara Tours, Green World Adventure, Hotel Parador Resort & Spa, Hotel San Bada and Best of Costa Rica.

Digital nomads from the United States, Chile and Portugal highlight the advantages of living and working in Costa Rica


  • Digital nomads mention natural beauty, the warmth of the inhabitants and the effective management of COVID-19.
  • Stays range from months to a year thanks to extensions granted by the Department of Immigration and Foreigners.

March 5, 2021 - Costa Rica has become an ideal destination for foreigners who are choosing to work remotely. According to these remote workers, the country has managed the pandemic well and allows them to combine their jobs in their countries of residence with surf classes, mountain hikes and Pura Vida.

Digital nomads from the United States, Chile and Portugal have spent periods ranging from a few months to a year living and working in regions of the country such as Jacó, Manuel Antonio, Santa Teresa de Cóbano and Monteverde, among others.

This experience may soon attract others like them who do not need to work from a set location and use technology to do their jobs, since deputies of the Legislative Assembly are currently considering Draft Law no. 22215: Law to attract international remote workers and service providers.

Viviana Gomes Lopes, a Portuguese national, is the financial and strategy director for a consultancy in Mexico and believes that Costa Rica is an ideal location for lovers of surf and nature.

“First of all, the country is incredible,” says Gomes Lopes, who lived in Santa Teresa. “They have controlled the pandemic very well, which is one of the main reasons that I stayed here rather than going to Mexico City, my city of residence.”

Gomes Lopes arrived in Costa Rica in February 2020 for a three-week stay. The pandemic took her by surprise while she was in the country and she prolonged her stay in Santa Teresa de Cóbano, Puntarenas, for as long she was allowed to under her permit to stay in the country. There, she combined her professional work with surf classes. Now, her dream is to come back.

“Tourists who stay for longer periods channel more of their money into the local tourism economies,” said Gustavo J. Segura, Minister of Tourism. “They make more local purchases, rent vehicles for weeks or months, use services like beauty salons, supermarkets, restaurants and diners, laundromats, fresh produce sellers, medical services, and other businesses in the community. This highlights the importance of becoming a leading option for remote workers.”

Captivated by Costa Rican beauty

If the draft law is approved by the Legislative Assembly, remote workers would obtain a permit to stay in the country for a year, which can be extended for an additional year. They would be able to open bank accounts and use their driver’s license from their country of origin, among other benefits.

“In the current situation, in which tourism may take up to three years to recover to pre-pandemic levels of demand, digital nomads are a key group to help the sector to rebound, and one that other destinations around the world have already begun to target,” said Segura.

Megan Kennedy, Head of the Costa Rica Country Office of the hospitality company Selina, explained that the concept of the digital nomad has been part of her company’s client base since its beginnings. Selina offers fully equipped workspaces and internet connections with sufficient capacity, which has allowed them to see an increase in the number of guests from around the world coming to work remotely from Costa Rica.

“We are increasing internet speeds and creating more private areas for work calls and coworking areas. The benefit for Costa Rica is obvious because people will come to live here, buy food and clothing, rent vehicles and participate in the economy while they continue working,” said Kennedy.

“The beaches are incredible for surfing, the way people treat you with kindness in every town is remarkable. I’ve loved the weather, the natural areas and the national parks. Costa Rica is ideal for remote workers,” said Raúl Reeves, a Chilean entrepreneur and a digital nomad, who has been using his working stay in the country since January to enjoy destinations like Jacó, Tamarindo, Santa Teresa and, most recently, Monteverde.

During the month of March, the ICT profiles on Facebook and Instagram, as well as its YouTube channel, will feature short videos on the life stories of digital nomads like Viviana Gomes from Portugal, Stephen Johnson, Amelia Sklaroff and Mujesira Dudic from the United States, and the Chilean entrepreneur Raúl Reeves.

Costa Rica advocates for economic reopening of tourism with a focus on wildlife protection


  • On World Wildlife Day, authorities from MINAE and ICT called on Central American countries to work together against the scourge of wildlife trafficking.
  • They also announced the relaunch of the “StopAnimalSelfies” campaign, which aims to encourage the observation of wildlife in their natural environment.
  • Costa Rica promotes an international coalition that seeks to establish codes for safe and ethical interactions between tourists and wildlife that foster coexistence.
  • During this month, a series of activities will take place in national parks with the presentation of an educational book for children, along with informative webinars and training events.

San José. On the occasion of World Wildlife Day, the Minister of Environment and Energy, Andrea Meza, and the Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Segura, urged nations to unite to promote the economic reactivation of the tourism sector with a focus on the protection of biodiversity and ethical and safe consumption and a balance between development and international commitments.

The call was made by Costa Rican authorities to the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD) of which Costa Rica holds the pro tempore presidency, and highlighted the incalculable value of wildlife for the preservation of the planet and the lives of its people.

Given that the region is home to nearly 10% of the world’s biodiversity, the pro tempore President urged Central American countries to develop joint regional action to combat the threat posed by wildlife trafficking.

The country is currently promoting and leading an international coalition that will seek to establish codes for safe and ethical interactions between tourists and wildlife, promoting coexistence between tourism activities and nature.

The Minister of Environment and Energy (MINAE), Andrea Meza, took the opportunity to explain that this initiative already has more than 20 partners at the national level and intends to start joint initiatives with Central American countries that have similar challenges in terms of tourism and wildlife management.


“Wildlife is an essential element of our planet, with an unquestionable value for human survival and maintaining an ecological balance,” noted the Minister. “As a megadiverse country, Costa Rica is a pioneer in biodiversity conservation.”

“The country’s Protected Wildlife Areas are visited by thousands of Costa Ricans and foreigners, who admire its forests, lagoons, beaches, mangroves, rivers and wild animals. Today, we are speaking out and inviting nations to take joint action to achieve a sustainable and responsible economic recovery that ensures the protection of wildlife,” continued Minister Meza.

The Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Segura, went on to say that the image we promote abroad must be consistent with the experience that tourists have when they arrive in the country. “Costa Rica has always been known around the world for its tourism model that revolves around sustainability. This includes the protection of natural resources, biodiversity and responsible tourism.”

#StopAnimalSelfies. As part of their efforts to conserve biodiversity and promote a green economic recovery, MINAE and ICT announced the relaunch of the #StopAnimalSelfies campaign, which includes activities that will take place in Manuel Antonio, Arenal, Cahuita and Los Quetzales National Parks (See programming chart).

The campaign seeks to motivate local and international tourists to visit our wildlife in their natural environment or in zoos, in a manner that is safe for both humans and animals. The initiative has published a code of ethics for photographs and selfies with wild animals, which is available at

In addition, as part of the reactivation of the campaign during the month of March, a series of live activities will be carried out in national parks under health protocols. These will include the presentation of an educational book for children, webinars for the general public and training for the tourism sector.

Finally, in partnership with the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), a training program has been developed for teachers to promote actions to protect people from contracting diseases such as COVID-19 as well as preventing accidents and respecting the natural behaviors of wild animals.

This initiative has already been supported by the participation of tourism chambers, tourism companies, the National University, non-governmental organizations and the German International Cooperation Agency. They include:


  1. Ministry of Environment and Energy
  2. Costa Rican Tourism Board
  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  4. Humane Society International
  5. World Animal Protection
  6. Pura Inspiration
  7. Sloth Institute
  8. Fundación Restauración de la Naturaleza
  9. Central American Commission on the Environment and Development (CCAD)
  10. German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ)
  11. AERIS
  13. Swiss Travel
  14. National Chamber of Tourism (CANATUR)
  15. Costa Rican Association of Tourism Operators
  16. National Chamber of Ecological Tourism (CANAECO)
  17. Institute of Wildlife Conservation and Management at the National University
  18. Hospital of Small Animals and Wild Species of the National University.


Did you know Costa Rica’s only guided strawberry tour is in Poasito de Alajuela?


  • The example of Eliecer Víquez, a guide, farmer, entrepreneur and tourism specialist, is a demonstration of the versatility of the over 2,700 ICT-certified guides this International Tourist Guide Day, showing how their knowledge can offer unique experiences for tourists.

February 20. Costa Rica’s first guided tour of a strawberry farm is now available in Poasito de Alajuela, with a traditional ox cart enhancing the experience.

The Costa Rica Strawberry Tour is a first in rural tourism, showing every step in strawberry processing while preserving oral traditions like the legend of the “cart without an ox”.

The purpose of this activity is to make the most of the local guide’s extensive knowledge and teach visitors about strawberries, offering them the flavors of one of the region’s most iconic fruits.

According Eliécer Víquez, an ICT certified tourist guide, farmer, tourism specialist and owner and creator of the Strawberry Tour, the tour offers a complete experience for domestic and international tourists. “Our goal is for visitors to learn more about strawberries,” says Víquez. “Their organic cultivation, consumption, health benefits, everything from a tourist’s point of view. We provide them with information about the fruit’s history, its nature, geography and planting, while also offering a sample of the sweetness of the region’s strawberries and refreshing smoothies made with the fruit.”

The multifaceted tour guide emphasized that they use a “family capsule” system during the tour, coordinating reservations of small family groups and avoiding contact between groups. In addition, the spaces are regularly disinfected and there are several hand washing stations and hand sanitizer dispensers.

The family groups are the only ones who get into the ox-cart on the traditional tour through the surrounding area. The small journey offers a peek back in time into Costa Rican traditions and offers a chance to hear about local legends like the cart without an ox.

“As we celebrate the International Tourist Guide Day on February 21, we invite all Costa Ricans to enhance their tourist experience by hiring a certified tourist guide,” says Alberto López, General Manager of the ICT. “The strawberry tour, created by the guide Eliecer Víquez, is a clear example of the efforts of 2,700 ICT-certified guides paying off and providing domestic tourists and those who visit from abroad with unforgettable memories and deeper enjoyment of the wonders that our country offers.”

The ICT recommends the support and information provided by a certified guide to enhance the experience of seeing the country as a tourist. With their knowledge and professionalism, these guides offer an unforgettable glance into the country’s essence. In addition, the ICT recommends contacting a tourism company or tour operator with a Tourism Declaration to ensure a reliable, high-quality service.

For more information about the Strawberry Tour, call 8899-7425 or visit the Facebook profile: Address: 150 meters north of San José Veterinary Hospital, in front of Artes en Madera, Poasito, Sabanilla de Alajuela.


Government announces 20 new measures to alleviate and reactivate the tourism sector


  • The short-term provisions include a gradual opening to the Chinese market, new tourism infrastructure, support to SMEs and transportation companies, credits for rural areas and cost-reduction measures for restaurants and hotels. 
  • Domestic tourism will be boosted through accumulated time off and teleworking policies, as well as proposed legislation to make Father's Day an official holiday in 2021. 
  • The announcement complements the Roadmap for Recovery from the ICT and the private sector. 
  • President Alvarado stated that “the tourism sector has been more severely affected than any other part of our economy by the pandemic. In recognition of that reality, our government, with leadership from the ICT and other institutions, has adopted a group of measures to boost the reactivation of tourism.” 
  • According to Minister Segura, “The tourism sector needs the full support of all state institutions to start back up and continue in its role as the engine of the country’s economy.”

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - Accompanied by President of the Republic Carlos Alvarado, Tourism Minister Gustavo J. Segura announced 20 new measures on Wednesday to reactivate and provide relief to the tourism sector. The measures include a gradual opening to Chinese nationals from Beijing and Shanghai beginning on March 1, an investment of ₡2.25 billion in tourism infrastructure in protected areas, and a boost to domestic tourism through accumulated time off policies in the public sector, which will provide one day off per week.

In addition, transportation operators who renew their permits in 2021 will be granted a 2-year extension and an increase in the maximum age of their vehicles.

The Treasury Department will simplify the processes for tourism companies who registered losses in 2020 to suspend partial payments of income tax.

Meanwhile, the National Financial Oversight Council (Conassif) issued an agreement that provides flexibility to banks to make long-term considerations when analyzing the payment capacity of tourism-sector debtors. It also extended the measures that allow modifications to the contractual conditions of loans to households and companies until December 31, 2021.

For SMEs in the tourism sector, obtaining a new or renewed operating permit will only cost $20, plus 20% of the cost of the health registration.

Hoteliers and restaurateurs in the Chorotega and Huetar Norte regions will benefit from two business roundtables with producers from the agriculture, livestock and fishery sectors to reduce intermediary costs.

These measures will complement the recovery plan for the tourism sector set out in the roadmap designed by the ICT and the private sector in 2020, as well as the reopening of air travel to all countries in November, new air routes, and marketing campaigns at home and abroad.

“The tourism sector has been more severely affected than any other part of our economy by the pandemic,” said President of the Republic Carlos Alvarado. “In recognition of that reality, our government, with leadership from the ICT and other institutions, has adopted a group of measures to boost the reactivation of tourism.” Alvarado highlighted the opening to Chinese tourism and the strengthening of the bilateral relationship with China over the past 13 years.

“In order for the tourism sector to get on its feet and continue to be the engine of the national economy, it needs the full support of all state institutions,” said the Minister of Tourism at a press conference at the ICT. “The President has supported our call and today we are providing short-term solutions that will help ease the pressure on tourism companies, allowing as many as possible to survive the impact of the pandemic and play their part in the recovery of tourism,” added the Minister.

The measures were proposed by the Ministries of Labor and Social Security, Public Safety, Foreign Affairs and Worship, Finance, Agriculture and Livestock, Health, Environment and Energy, Economy, Industry and Commerce, and Culture, as well as the Rural Development Institute, the Costa Rican Electricity Institute, the Municipal Advisory and Development Institute, INCOPESCA and Conassif.

Chinese Tourism

About 10% of China’s population travels internationally, amounting to around 140 million people. By 2027, the number of passport holders is expected to reach 300 million, equivalent to 20% of China’s population.

In order to explore this market, the ICT, the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners, the Ministry of Public Safety and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship agreed on the visa exception for the entry of tourists from Beijing and Shanghai, with a response within a maximum of 72 hours. The measure, which will come into force on March 1, is part of a gradual process that sets out entry requirements such as prior purchase of a package tour from a registered Costa Rican tour operator.

In 2019, the country accounted for 16,847 international arrivals at all ports of entry.


The Ministry of Environment and Energy is planning a ₡1.4 billion investment in tourism infrastructure. Projects will begin in Marino Ballena National Park, Corcovado National Park, La Amistad International Park, Piedras Blancas National Park and Golfito National Wildlife Refuge in 2021 and are due to be completed within 12 months. These projects will be financed by JUDESUR.

There will also be a ₡850 million investment in the Tenorio Volcano National Park starting in the second half of 2021.

Domestic Tourism 

Directive 077-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN allows public employees to accumulate time off to book one day off per week. Employees will be encouraged to take Fridays or Mondays in order to stimulate local tourism.

Where possible, teleworking will be allowed from tourism facilities with the proper infrastructure. In addition, draft legislation has been proposed to make Father’s Day a national holiday.

Loans for Rural Areas

The Rural Development Institute (INDER) will provide comprehensive support for key economic activities, with priority to the tourism sector in the 29 rural territories of Costa Rica. Two programs will support this effort: Impulso Rural (Rural Boost) and Crédito en Marcha (Credit in Motion).

  • Impulso Rural will aid female entrepreneurs in the tourism sector in rural areas who have been affected by the pandemic through competitive, non-reimbursable grants totaling ₡300 million, which will be distributed among 60 initiatives which will receive ₡5 million each.
  • Crédito en Marcha will offer loans totaling ₡500 million to organizations, associations and cooperatives that need to purchase furnishings and equipment or fund minor construction projects, renovations or working capital.

Both options can be found at

Cost of Electricity

Through agreements with the Regulatory Authority of Public Services, the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) has suspended the minimum consumption requirements for clients to access medium voltage rates, previously set at 120,000 kWh. In addition, it is providing continuity through the MTb tariff even when monthly consumption does not reach the requirements.

Likewise, ICE allows the demand registered in a given month of the previous year to be adjusted in proportion to the energy and power requirements. This benefit must be requested by the client; it does not apply automatically.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism created 225,000 direct and 83,000 indirect jobs. The tourism sector accounted for 40.7% of the country’s drop in GDP in 2020, which fell by 4.5% overall, according to data from the Central Bank of Costa Rica.

Iberojet to fly twice a week from Madrid to San José


  • Flights between Madrid and San José will start operating twice a week from June 2021.
  • Iberojet is the new name of the airlines belonging to Ávoris, the travel division of Barceló Group.

Friday, February 12, 2021 - Thanks to the efforts of the Costa Rican Tourism Board to attract airlines to the country, Iberojet will be flying two direct flights per week from Madrid, Spain to Juan Santamaría International Airport.

Iberojet is the new name of the airlines belonging to Ávoris, the travel division of Barceló Group. The airline’s arrival is the fruit of efforts undertaken by the ICT to rebuild the economy following the crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“New airlines coming to the country is of paramount importance to the recovery in the tourism sector, creating jobs and activating the industry’s economic impact,” said the Minister of Tourism, Gustavo J. Segura. “In spite of the global pandemic, Costa Rica has maintained its spot as one of the most in-demand destinations.”

Iberojet’s announcement comes as the airline enacts an ambitious plan to fly to the main holiday destinations in the Caribbean and Central America, with up to 25 weekly departures from Spain or Portugal to the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica and Costa Rica.

The flights will be made in Airbus A350 and A330 aircraft, which significantly reduce environmental impacts while their comfortable cabins improve passengers’ in-flight experience.

5,800 people compete to travel and discover the essentials of life in Costa Rica


  • Residents of the United States and Canada participate in the “Who’s essential to you” contest from the ICT. 
  • Fifteen winners will get to go on a seven-day Costa Rican vacation with a travel companion between March 2021 and February 2022.

Wednesday, February 9, 2021 - In a two-month campaign, 5,800 residents of the United States and Canada participated in the “Who’s essential to you?” contest. The initiative, launched by the Costa Rican Tourism Board throughout North America, is in the process of selecting the 15 winners who will come to Costa Rica with a travel companion for a week-long vacation.

Between November 26 and January 31, the prospective tourists completed a form in which they nominated a person who inspired them and who made a difference in their lives during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The nominees include 1,200 Canadians and 4,600 Americans.

The contest winners will head to Costa Rica with the person they nominated as being essential in their lives for a seven-day, all-expenses-paid trip. The prize was made possible thanks to support from the private tourism sector.

“The fact that nearly six thousand people participated in this initiative, seeking to express their feelings for a loved one and inspired by the chance to see the beautiful sights that Costa Rica offers, is something that gives us great satisfaction,”said Carolina Trejos, Marketing Director for the ICT. “It also confirms the enthusiasm among North American tourists for our country and the profile of the destination in this important market.”

Prestigious media outlets including Matador Network, MSN Travel & Leisure and Lonely Planet, among others, promoted and reported on the campaign.

Promotional videos with Costa Ricans

Videos inviting travelers to make their nominations were shared on the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter profiles of Visit Costa Rica, as well as its YouTube channel. 

The list of winners will be announced this month, who will be able to enjoy the natural beauty of Costa Rica between March 2021 and February 2022.

The United States and Canada are the main tourist-sending markets for Costa Rica. In 2019, before the pandemic, the two countries represented over 60% of the tourists entering the country by air.

In an era of new travel trends, entrepreneurs set their sights on outdoor activities and adventure


  • The region’s largest infinity swing offers adrenaline junkies the chance to jump “into the void”.

In the wake of the pandemic, travelers are increasingly motivated to spend time outdoors, breathe fresh air and be in contact with nature.

Throughout the country, business owners have responded to these new trends by strengthening their focus on a sustainable tourism model and the country’s well-known attributes as an outdoor destination.

One such business is Rainforest Adventures, who recently opened a new attraction in their Jacó theme park. The company aims to offer the best of the country’s adventure activities to win over adrenaline-seeking tourists.

Drawing inspiration from Ecuador’s ‘Swing at the End of the World’ and Indonesia’s ‘Bali Swing’, Rainforest Adventures now offers the SkySwing, the largest tree swing in the region. Hanging from a giant tree on the edge of a mountain slope, the swing reaches heights of 15 meters and speeds of up to 34 km/hr.

“This attraction is the only one of its kind in the country”, said Nicolás Staton, General Manager of Rainforest Adventures. “In fact, there are only a few like it in the world. It provides a panoramic view of Jacó and the Pacific Ocean along with a feeling of total freedom.”

Staton admits that the pandemic has represented a challenge for tourism companies, but also knows that investing in “innovative and unique” products is key to staying competitive in the tourism industry, especially since today’s tourists are looking for outdoor recreational activities and safety.

“On behalf of the Costa Rican Tourism Board, we offer our most sincere congratulations to this initiative, which serves as a clear example of how innovation can make the difference in this new normal”, said ICT General Manager Alberto López. “As we set a course for a gradual recovery, outdoor activities with a sustainable approach will allow domestic and international tourists to reconnect with their essence and fully enjoy unforgettable experiences and the true meaning of Pura Vida.”

Situated at the banks of a river and surrounded by mountains, Rainforest Adventures Park also offers activities such as high ropes, ziplining and cable cars.

Indeed, visitors reach the SkySwing using a cable car that takes them up a mountain, where they will also have a chance to observe the Tourism Flag, the largest Costa Rican flag in the country, which was inaugurated in December.

To book in advance and learn about all packages and promotions, call or message via WhatsApp at 6110-1123 or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Rainforest Adventures

Rainforest Adventures is an eco-theme park with over 25 years of experience building and operating world-class attractions. It pioneered the creation of the world’s first cable car in a rainforest, which was built in its location in Braulio Carrillo National Park. Its other location is in Jacó. The company is also active in Saint Lucia, Panama, Jamaica and Saint Martin.


Did you know that a shop in Monteverde is dedicated to promoting handicrafts from all over the country?


  • More than a souvenir: located in the Monteverde Biological Reserve, the Tangara store sells products that tell the stories of Costa Rican life.

In the Monteverde Biological Reserve, we found a model souvenir shop called Tangara. Every shelf holds handicrafts that reflect the identity of artists and entrepreneurs from across Costa Rica.

The store is a showcase for products that represent every part of the country.

Lilliana Gonzalez, the store manager, tells us that the project began three years ago and aims to highlight Costa Rican life from various regions, the essence of Pura Vida, and the conservation of culture and the environment.

“Every time you offer a product with identity to a tourist, you are offering a piece of your heart,” she says. “We wanted to show other souvenir and handicraft shops that selling locally made products is possible.”

“Almost a decade ago, the Costa Rican Tourism Board planted the seed of the Crafts with Identity program, an effort which has grown and born a cornucopia of fruit in every region of the country,” noted Alberto López, ICT General Manager. “Well-established collectives have been able to show the essence of Costa Rican identity in their creations. Cultural manifestations add obvious value for local and international tourists.” López also congratulated the creators of Tangara for providing a space for national artisans.

A colorful walk through Costa Rica

The Cartago section offers miniature replicas of masquerades and characters from Costa Rican legends. There are also hand-woven dolls with costumes that represent each province. These chicas de lana are created by a local artisan, who took up weaving after becoming a widow.

The store also offers stuffed bats, spiders and sloths, animals from our country made by local people. The store offers jewelry featuring quetzals and orchids, crafts from the Puntarenas region including masks made by indigenous groups, textiles and paintings from other areas, and much, much more.

For more information, see or call 2645-5122. If you are interested, you can also download the Interactive Destination Guide at


Manuel Antonio National Park receives elite tourism sustainability certificate


  • The certificate allows Manuel Antonio to achieve greater prominence in the ICT promotion strategy, exempts it from registration fees in international fairs and showcases the park as a sustainable tourism product.
  • According to the Minister of Tourism, obtaining the CST will allow the park to contribute to the transition toward sustainable tourism as well as supporting local and regional socioeconomic development.
  • The certification will enhance the competitiveness of the private sector, said the SINAC Executive Director.

San José. Manuel Antonio National Park, located in Quepos, Puntarenas, received an Elite-level Certificate of Sustainable Tourism (CST) from the Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT) in January, announced Rafael Gutiérrez, Director of the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC).

The purpose of this recognition is to make the concept of sustainability into something real, practical and necessary for the country’s tourism competitiveness, with a view to improving the way in which natural and social resources are used.

The process of obtaining this certificate was initiated by SINAC in March 2020 and culminated with the ICT’s Technical Verification Commission (CTV) granting the Elite CST for this Protected Wildlife Area in January of this year.

The Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Segura, said that SINAC has shown that a National Park can be sustainably managed by “contemplating aspects of business management and the measurement of social, environmental, cultural and economic impact, as well as working with the communities of the surrounding areas”.

“Obtaining the CST is a commendable achievement from several points of view, since in addition to the management of natural resources and environmental protection, the area will contribute to a further transition towards sustainable tourism and serve as a link to strengthen local and regional socioeconomic development,” added the minister.

This recognition provides Manuel Antonio National Park with competitive advantages that include the following:

  • It will benefit from the wider ICT marketing strategy, since the CST brand is linked to Costa Rica’s national tourism promotion efforts.
  • Cost savings. The Protected Wildlife Area will have its registration fee partially or totally waived when participating in international fairs.
  • SINAC will be able to use the CST brand in the promotional material of the Protected Wildlife Area, allowing it to stand out among tourist options thanks to its new sustainability designation.

“This certification helps to strengthen the social, cultural, environmental, economic and development work in tourist destinations. For SINAC, having this certification provides an incentive for the participation of local communities while also supporting the competitiveness of the private sector,” said Gutierrez.

The initial request from SINAC came from the Administration of Manuel Antonio National Park to the Sustainable Tourism Program in March 2020. By November 2020, the park had been able to meet the necessary requirements.

In January 2021, the CTV approved the park’s application for Elite status.

The Regional Director of the Central Pacific Conservation Area, Luis Sánchez, explained that national park officials and the Costa Rican Tourism Board provided valuable assistance throughout the entire process.

The Certificate of Tourism Sustainability is based on the CST 2.0 Standard, which was published in the Costa Rican Official Gazette on April 25, 2018. There are two levels of certification, Basic and Elite. The Elite status, which was obtained by Manuel Antonio, acknowledges excellence in four areas: a) organizational management, b) social, economic and cultural impact, c) environmental impact and 4) sectoral aspects.